Jul 11Liked by Rufus Pollock, Lauren Wigmore

I am late to the party, sorry I missed the recent participatory events and so impressed by this presentation. I thought I had found my compatriots who share my sensibility about the nature of reality and would take the threats to us seriously enough to be dealing with what to do. That's what my Substack speaks to and I haven't found compatriots here. However, today the offer was courses to take and not actions to take. Are you conducting any active thinking about what we can do? I have a rich body of work and could talk about working with you if you are open to instituting something.

PS: There's so little praise, here in Comments, for what to me deserves showers of it. Most people need educating to the fundamentals of the reality we are in that you've done a great job presenting..

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Author

Hi Suzanne, lovely to hear from you and deep resonance on your point about **taking action**.

> Are you conducting any active thinking about what we can do?

Yes, we are and we are also taking action - and Life Itself have been taking actions since we started. For example, we run actual hubs https://lifeitself.org/hubs/bergerac, start businesses etc.

We'd welcome suggestions for what to do and we have a second whitepaper in draft that goes into some detail about what can be done. Happy to share with you.

> PS: There's so little praise, here in Comments, for what to me deserves showers of it. Most people need educating to the fundamentals of the reality we are in that you've done a great job presenting..


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Yes, share please. Hubs all over the world would be so humanizing. If I had my billionaire funder I'd do a restaurant -- for duplication as a chain -- called Conversations to Save the World. Come to talk. Not so good for date nights but great for singles. The deeper bed that rests in is how we need to get out of a prevailing sense of helplessness and be buzzing with conversation about what to do. I keep trying to seed those.

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Hi Suzanne, great to be connected and thanks so much for the information. It would be great to connect with you via our biweekly connection calls initially, the next one is taking place on 23rd July - https://lu.ma/jfcsiufe, you can also meet more people in the space and start discussions there and to learn about action that is already underway. If you're on discord we also have a pretty active channel where lots of rich ideas and discussions are taking place - https://discord.gg/U26a4Vpk

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I'll be there. How to plug into Discord?

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Jul 4·edited Jul 5Liked by Rufus Pollock

This is something I have been so focused on for years now. I am really excited to find a community focused on it. We have begun a prosocial embodiment circle and would love to bring our resources with us. I personally feel a kind of desperation to connect richly and widely and deeply on this topic. In my mind it is truly a matter of survival. It is encouraging because this global, civilization level paradigm shift really does come from within. Evidence is that we are all seeing and feeling something similar, and we are responding in similar ways. This is very encouraging to me. I would really like to get involved.

I am a bodyworker and embodiment teacher. Academically I consider myself a somatic social theorist but I am an independent scholar. I teach about the very new fascial anatomy of the deep core, the bodywide postural system on our axial line that holds us together from within, and that centers and grounds us. I am at threebonestheory.com. We are still setting up our circle but right now it is part of Prosocial Commons on Hylo. This is our next meeting: https://www.linkedin.com/events/prosocialembodimentworkshop4-th7213463366911082497/about/

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Delighted to meet you and we are likewise excited to meet others on a similar path and we share your feelings on the importance of this 🙂

Thank-you for sharing your circle.

If you are interested to connect more with us we are having regular connection calls starting next Tuesday 9th July - see https://secondrenaissance.substack.com/p/second-renaissance-connection-calls-c40

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Jun 6Liked by Rufus Pollock

Happy to have been brought here by the Featured email substack sent out. This sounds right up my alley.

I was just lamenting the other day that the metamodern content I am exposed to on Substack is often a little inaccessible, even to me, a person who has frequently been criticized for a vocabulary that stinks of elitism.

Looking forward to getting a clearer picture of the landscape and discovering how I (and the Creekmasons) can help act as a doula as this nascent new world confronts the crisis of its challenging labor pains.

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Wonderful Geoffe and very good to be connecting and look forward to talking more about we can "doula" this nascent new world 🙂

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